Friday, November 7, 2008

Dinner Out

I had actually planned on cooking dinner tonight, even after being so excited about going out to eat. David and I couldn't really think of a place we wanted to go. It sort of felt like when we get to go out on a date together for the first time in ages, but we are so stumped on what would be the most fantastic, romantic, fun, delicious, thing to do. So, I opted to cook, and wait to go out on Saturday.

I decided that we would have baked potato bar tonight. Things in the first half of my day went well, but due to some traffic on the roads, I didn't get Vincent down for a nap until late. I didn't know how long he would nap & still needed to get sour cream (gotta have that for baked potato bar!), so I wanted a back up plan in case we didn't make it to the store in time. I had made a potstickers filling, thinking I would just fold some during his nap and freeze them for another time. I decided that we'll just have that for dinner.

Then, when Vincent woke up from his nap, I had a brilliant idea to go to Redmond and pick up David from work, go to the mall to look at cell phones, eat mall food, and let Vincent run around. We ended up at Bellevue Square & ate breakfast sandwiches & corn chowder at Specialty's. Wow, what an exciting dinner! But, I have to say that Specialty's does have the best egg, cheese and sausage breakfast sandwich. The corn chowder wasn't bad, either, and their foccacia bread is fantastic! We each had a little chocolate chip cookie sample at the end to boot.

**Please continue to see what we are eating for dinner by adding my other blog to your favorites: Cheers!

1 comment:

Laura said...

Anny I'm so excited to see your blogs on meal planning/making...this is one of the biggest challenges for me. Do you plan on doing the 30-day challenge again? How much do you think you spend each month on groceries? Hope I'm not getting too personal. Where did you get the idea for the 30-day challenge? Hope to read more real soon!