Sunday, September 28, 2008

the plan

here's my plan for the week. i've already been to the store and everything.
we'll see how i do.

sunday: grilled halibut & corn on the cob (jayson will do it!), tomato/pine-nut/mozzarella salad thing

monday: swiss enchiladas and kale (swiss enchiladas are a divine casserole with chicken, cheese, tomato puree, chilies, cream and tortillas) i plan on making 2 casseroles out of this and putting one in the freezer to eat later

tuesday: chicken thighs (probably with some normal dry seasonings), rice and more of the tomato salad thing (gotta eat those ripe garden tomatoes!)

wednesday: mac n’ cheese and asparagus (i actually made the mac n’ cheese a couple of weeks ago and saved a portion in the freezer) this should be an easy one

thursday: meat loaf, mashed potatoes and peas (how American)

friday: leftovers – there should be tons!

who knows what i'll do on saturday. perhaps breakfast for dinner or sandwiches or more leftovers. weekends should be easy.

wish me luck!

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